2022 Predictions: Look UP! Written By: Ash Catcher Last night I needed a night in. So I took the longest, hottest shower my body could handle, I lit a candle, and cut up some apple, with extra chunky peanut butter (with hot honey), because to some I am a literal psycho, and began to search Netflix for something suitable to numb my brain out to. I settled on “Dont Look Up” my cat, Banner is for some reason into Leonardo DiCaprio, like alot- but he refuses to watch Titanic, weird I know. I love the division and the all too subtle tribute to what this last year and a half… two years… are we going on three I sometimes forget, all I know Is I rather enjoyed the movie, the cast was pretty stacked, it gave me some 2012 vibes another fine apocoliptic year, let’s not of corse forget 1999 as well the OG end of the world. Anyway doom and gloom aside I had a great time with my cat, and snacks- but what I did really want to do to ring in 2022 was to take some time and do a bit of soul searching. I wanted to do a tarot card reading…. On myself which if you know, you know is kinda a big no no, but hey its for introspection and self reflection all good things. 2022: A year of great abundance, new career change, and another move???? Sheesh okay let's unpack this: Abundance: It can take on many forms, not just so much in wealth, you can have an abundance of great many things for an example: I could have an abundance of pears, I would have 1) a shit ton of pears, and 2) a stomach ache- so maybe moderation should go hand and hand with abundance. Don't over do it, and make sure to always ground ourselves when making financial choices. I may or may not start getting into crypto. I still haven’t decided how much time I will have to dedicate to this seemingly foreign concept to me. I am not the most tech savvy person, and if one wants to give me some helpful tips please reach out. I am also hoping for a more abundance of opportunities to socialize more like normal, missing my soul tribe, and the friends I have made when traveling. New Career Change: I do not care if you love your job, there will be a time where you wake up where you have that thought in the back of your head…. “There has to be more than this.” This mindset is going to fuel you. I love what I do now, but in a month, in two, in three months will it still bring me fulfillment? I am not so sure about that. I am happiest when I am working for myself, I just do not like cookie cutter things, I am not that kind of person and half the time I walk out on managers, not necessarily the job itself. Mind you I think I have shocked my employers that I usually on average take 2 to 3 interviews a week, regardless if I feel happy at my current job. Always have an exit strategy, I learned that the hard way- so a new career change is most welcomed. I will be starting a whole new cycle in my life, it only makes logical sense that I up my career game. Movement: Now movement could mean a bunch of things, it can mean a literal move in location or it could be movement and progression in your finances, love, career etc. Take notice of people around you, because who you choose to surround yourself with says alot about yourself and where you are going, or where you have gone. Just look around you. Movement- and I hate to say this too also can correlate with literal physical activity…. Is 2022 the year I go back to the gym and start running again, eh maybe we will see. I know I would love to ease my way back into the gym world again, would working for myself and choosing my time to work allow me to finally have a healthy mind balance and soul priority that I haven’t had with previous career opportunities? Am I hoping to go to the West Coast? There are alot of opportunities and cabins in the woods calling my name. I guess I am just gonna have to wait and see.
See you next year! -ASH
Dimensional Written By: Ash Catcher You project your 3D shit on to me
And I turn it around on you and send it back to you in the 5D Tell me how that's fair- Grasping at straws, trying to breathe air. At least give me some warning before my legs begin to shake uncontrollably. Because you’re on your side of town having a fucking meltdown. I am buried in my art again, not making a sound. Clinking on keys, fading into the black background. When the dimensions shift, I go catatonic. I can almost feel the other half of me cascading into a schizophrenic sardonic (state) The sky looks like it is spouting fire this evening And in some nights I lay awake looking at the window “I had no idea I would have to pay rent on my own personal hell.” When I read, cause I hate T.V. I hallucinate, and disassociate into dead trees. Some days, most days, I feel I am at the mercy of the mindless. It is funny, like you know a secret or something. I can see better in the dark, much better than you think. Washing away too many dishes for my liking, I loathe the kitchen sink. Trapped in this house of staggering shards. I am determined not to break down in this house again… The house dimensions only span so far. What I wouldn’t give to have real access to my car. Control issues, always need to dive, fuck out of here I just want my own time. -Ash Over The Garden’s Edge Written By: Ash Catcher This week I felt kinda obligated cause your girl has had a few tower moments this December and if the SADS didn’t hit differently enough this year, I think it was shelling out almost 2k to save my cat, and a quick little spontaneous career switcharoo I am hella beat, and clinging to the last 6 months in my 20s like a madwoman. I got my 2022 planner in hand and not only do I feel like I am about to complete my first marathon, or at the very least the second decade of my life coming to a radical close. One thing I have prided myself on has been my work ethic. It doesn't matter what you do, as long as you do it well, I also try to separate work from personal but hey sometimes the two intermingle. At the end of the day I am only human.
Okay here is the non conventional part of this piece. I can't stress the importance of going outside of your comfort zone when you are in your 20s. Nobody goes anyway in life if they have stayed in the same spot since they were a child. I believe there is a term for that. For myself, well excuse this term I do not really mean this in a sexual way but you need to learn to “Edge Yourself” know your limits for sure, but also be that person that works 12 hrs a day 6 days a week, scale back to 8 hrs 5 days a week, it should all depend when and how much you feel like you can comfortably exert yourself. Your 20s is a time to build your foundations, start grounding and investing in yourself, and develop some sort of moral compass. Where is it going to lead you? Were you like me where you had to have more failures, and heartbreaks in order to get "it right” only at the last second. I'll tell you one thing: real successful people have a laundry list of failures, and past people they have been screwed over and vice versa behind them that you don't see. My 20s was a fucking iceberg of career changes, loveless relationships, too many concerts, and way to many nights spent at Suburban Diner off St Rd until 4a.m. Do not be like me, do better. Lastly, make sure to not “Trip over your own candy trail” try not to self sabotage, curb your ego because in a self entitled world where we all feel like we are special I have some sobering news for you, we are all awful, we are all flawed, we are all perverse, and on the inside we are just a bunch of water mixed with some neurological jellyfish thing. Most of the people you will encounter in your life are literally so emotionally beat down, and brain dead. Being empathetic or dare I say sympathetic towards people who sit in the same spot and never reach their full potential. Always have the strength to move forward and go outside of your comfort zone, push your limits, and as you do you will see all the stagnant people take notice and I can guarantee you they will not feel happy for your success in life. I hope you all have the happiest of Holidays, I will once again be staying away from my toxic ass family xxxx Ash Written By: Ash Catcher Street Name:
- Ash Catcher Written By: Ash Catcher With the most overlooked holiday finally past us, I can not be more thankful for everything that has happened this year. How I decided to celebrate Thanksgiving was the most needed getaway in uh well this year I guess? All I wanted to do was take a bath, and yeah I am sure that is kinda a dumb thing to want, but as a water sign your girl thrives in the water. Good luck getting me out of it. I decided a staycation was very much needed. I went to Lancaster for about 24 hrs, there were no televisions, or screens in my room, I had limited use of my cellphone. I just wanted to get back to center and appreciate time with myself, and my partner. I cannot even begin to describe how good of an idea that was— but I am gonna do it anyway because then we wouldn’t have a meaty Ash Wednesday Entry. This year taught me to be thankful from everything that has happened to snagging a really cool house, going further with more responsibility with my job, a thriving side business, If you don't know I am an avid pet sitter, and dog walker- shit is lucrative, and of course I am thankful for myself, my partner, and our two cats. I think life was at one time moving way too fast, well now it is moving even faster, we are almost in December already and I look back at my timeline every so often and I just see this beautiful person who literally couldn’t care less what people think of her. The whole point of writing is you keep doing it, and doing it, and doing it, until something sticks. I felt that way about art and as much as I want to paint again, it really hasn’t felt like something I need to do, I journal, and doodle, and I will draw still life in the cafe, or of Banner but I really do not feel like I need to express myself with such an intensity that I get when I am painting. I am thankful for all the people I have met, I am thankful for all the friends, and connections I have, quite a lot! There is something super comforting about living somewhere where everyone knows you. I really feel like it is surreal sometimes, but lately I have really enjoyed it. I am also very thankful for everyone who left me before I really had a real sense of myself. Thank you for treating me like I was nothing so that I can now find someone to see me for something. Thank you for leaving, for making way for the people to stay. I am thankful to the people who kept me in their back pocket, and as an option knowing that my empathetic nature and integrity would never be question, thank you for being such amazing liars, terrible people, and thank you to all the trash that speak about me behind my back, hey at least you’re talking about me. I hope one day you tell it to my face, and I’ll probably smile back at you and ask you “Who are you, again?” Finally: I am thankful for the abundance I have gained this year: the insight, and the intuition that helps guide me through pretty much everything I manifest. I mean it is really simple, when you stop being so 3D about everything. -I'll Catch Ya Next Week
August 2023