"Tea Pigs" Written By: Ash Catcher There are a handful of remedies that seemingly have the power to abate — or at least provide comfort in the face of — nearly any problem at hand. I am not talking about another acid trip altho that seems to reset just about any problem I have had in my life. A nice, long shower, an extra few hours of sleep, and a hot mug of your favorite tea can have real healing powers, I am talking more wholesome then MDMA- So it’s no surprise that, in the throes of 2021 we’re constantly reaching for the kettle.
Right now, tea culture is at its peak ( I think!). You’ve likely found yourself scrolling past targeted ads for herbal elixirs or swiping through endless Instagram stories depicting still-steaming mugs. You’ve heard celebrity endorsements for choice brews and you’ve read about “wellness tea” in magazine roundups devoted to self-care. The stuff is more popular than ever but...why now? I am a tea snob, if you thought my coffee addiction was bad wait till you see me compare kettles. I am a pour over addict- and apparently you can do pour overs with loose tea. GAME CHANGER! Alert the media and my big ass tea box on my kitchen window sill. I am not sure anyone was aware but this past year aged me just shy of like 30 years so now I am in bed by 9, and haven’t had a warm cup of tea in almost 3 years…. I just forget about it okay. I hosted a party one time and drank 12 cups of tea. I am just a feen for the leaves. Call it what you want there is just this weird satisfaction of having a warm comforting drink- dont get me wrong I drink iced tea in the summer like its going out of style- I do my own blends- I'll get pretty wacky with the combinations too- we go beyond the realms of raspberry mint- or blackberry sage iced tea altho both are good and I would either offer lemonade mixed in with that and/ or some boba pearls. Why not get fancy? Life is too short and if I want something I want it to be worthwhile! — UNTIL next week- that is the tea! -Ash
[Photo Credit: Harley Maili, CEO and owner of Photodelphia Studios] By Ash Catcher. "I like odd things, and people, of which I have met, and collected many thoughts about my life…. I am a squirrel. I hide things, and you only see the tip of the iceberg- plus I nut up." Apparently I come from a family of collectors. This is not news to me, I just thought I had a shit ton of interests and had trouble honing on one specific focus ( very Ash I know) but what I didn’t realize is what or exactly what it was that I had squirreled away. I am almost 30 and I have been collecting records since I was 15, that's almost 2 decades collecting vinyl, which you know if you have had the pleasure of hauling vinyl up and down flights of stairs ya know that shit is heavy. I probably have like close to 200+ vinyls, 7 inch, you name it I have it. I just cleared another record player, I think I am on my 4th or 5th. I just obliterate technology like Jubilee. Headphones, computers, you name it UH PHONES! I am collecting those too apparently… Books, art, clothes PLANTS! I think I just have a lot of stuff, but it all seems to have its own home, and such. I can't even begin to get into how many concert ticket stubs I still have- I am going to have to do something super special with those! SO I wanted to take a quick look at why humans feel the need to keep things. Nine seemed enough to me, and again love those odd things:
I have a shit ton of things, there is no other greater unit of measurement to describe all the things I have acquired. I have a lot of plants, books, clothes, records, artwork ( mine and others) and now cat things. THANKS BANNER! It can sometimes be overwelhming…. Oh and mugs please please if you see me with a mug in my hands if there is nothing hot in it please wack it out of my hands I don't need another mug, but I have been looking for more wicker chairs. I love collecting things. This problem fills some sort of emotional void that I developed as a child. But what I love more is liquidation. I love selling off my things. I get an enormous rush from getting what is essentially something that just sits there and turning it into fast cash. I do this like close to every other season. I donate clothes, and try to be fashion-conscious. I feel like you got to spend a little money to make money. I really like researching and pricing items, something that I have inherited from my dad I am sure. He has an enormous collection of items as well. I really didn’t have much choice in the matter. it is just something I am weirdly good at. Desire, Acquire, Catalog, and Sell- it is really quite fool proof.
I am always so curious to see who likes to collect things! See ya next Wednesday! -Ash Catcher I just finished both versions of The Cult Classic movie, entitled Suspira. Why oh why do male directors think they can embody feminism is beyond me. The tones of both movies seem forced, and give me strange Black Swan vibes, but uh German? I cannot imagine that working in a dance company is a walk in the park but for it to be portrayed like this cmon. I get the artsy aspect, no I really do I just am failing to see the correlation of this over used stigma, that well women are scary as fuck. To what end are we going to stop remaking movies that didn’t need a remake at all?
The 1977 version was pretty complete in my personal opinion. I feel the exact way about Carrie as well. If you just discovered this minute genre of horror, do yourself a kindness and dont be like me I watched the original Suspira and then the remake or whatever people are branding it as. It just doesn’t work. This late version reminded me so much of that movie with Jennifer Lawrence, Mother that I was like uh WTF. I had to watch that movie twice in a row, but it wasn’t because I didn’t understand the plot…. I got “distracted”. Suspiria was violent, and gory to be sure, but it was also overwhelmingly poetic in Argento's command of color and visual language I am a huge sucker for lighting in movies, it's very David Fincher / Oliver Stone but like just a dash of Rob Zombie — the knives danced just as gracefully as the film's ballerinas and the splashes of blood more evoked a modern art painting than the slasher film I had expected. It is abstract as all fuck. My one small problem was this: But why do women always get to be witches? Is that kinda a bad thing to explore this mysterious trope? I love horror, shocker but it is one of my favorite things to came out of the human race, people are fucking terrifying. I sometimes feel like I am in a horror movie, I think there is a word for that. Now here is the thing about “Suspiria" that I really enjoyed was that avant-garde horror genre. Foreign movies are infanntly a different class of “spookies”. So because I have been all over the fucking place this week, and an ode to witches here are my top 10 fav witchy cult movies. Witch Movie Should YOU WATCH
August 2023