Ash Wednesday! Playing with Myself: an interview by myself, for myself. A Covid Friendly Interview11/25/2020
See ya next Wednesday!
"Glove Box"
Written By: Ash Catcher I'll keep you hidden with me, C’mon let's go for a ride. Hide that shit deep deep down. A place for all the lies. Expired insurance cards, parking violations too. Every crappy kind of spontaneous art, yea I got that it’s true. Deodorant that is glued shut. Honestly I am not sure why I keep this stuff. Old checks from jobs I left months ago. I always move on too quickly. If I shove anything else inside this thing, it’s gonna blow. I know my car can be a tad bit messy, but I swear that's not a fish stick. Open me up when you get pulled over, because Ash you always go too fast. Write a song about your laugh, play it off like it’s just a crash. I never mean anything to anyone. Until I am two states away. So c’mon get in lets go for a ride. We got some work to do. There is much to see, and much to say. But in my glovebox I choose to stay. Violate my privacy, and let’s see how that goes. I can't stand 76’ lack of traffic flow. It’s my least favorite part about driving Ky around. Pre Owned MINI shaking with sound. My speaker may have busted out. But I have something else that I keep inside, hidden from the fallout. Old CD’s of past tours, my heart still kinda hits the car floor. I am not sure if I want to sneak a listen, open that door. It’s been closed, and sealed with tape, and more. Locks, on locks, call it extravagant. I call that shit hardcore. I'll keep you hidden with me, C’mon let's go for a ride. Hide that shit deep deep down. A place for all the lies. A glovebox to hold all the junk in my life. Extra bra and underwear, and a bread knife. Random shit, I don't know why I own. My sanctuary from myself, when I travel long distances, and alone. By Ash Catcher The distant park
Was a graveyard of dead stars. Each streetlight a system of worlds, So many lives between each mote of light, Indistinguishable in their unique love, Bespoke hate, and the drama of the modern age. Drunk laughter behind transparency Double doors. Another hotel balcony, Another cloud behind the canopy Of marijuana eyes To unsettle me from the crowd. She points out, when you look closely You can see the disorder Amongst all constellations Of life and love and litter; Of discarded Coke cans And temporary highs. I wonder what would happen If we all stood still. If we all took one moment To observe the motion That unfolds beneath Our static windowsill. She says this is not a scene To the bullshit of a present mind, More to joke at the incompletion of it all. Of one thousand to-do lists; A million reasons why I can't, or I’ll do it tomorrow. You should just stay inside. [ One alter says] She says you can see the human swell Of ignorance, our city lights Blotting out the stars In a black ocean of broken politics And irretrievable fault lines- Divisions between us all. But I think I see a finish line. Lives twisted with semi professional smiles This is just my day job but at NIGHT I am a… And eyes lit with stunning indifference. We are just waiting for our turn to speak. Still, I have felt charity, and warmth On the doorstep of lunatics, and fascists. I have read the love of life In faces of those who gave up. I have recounted countless artists Who saw beauty in an empty glass. In moments that precisely lacked it. I have spent too many nights In anaesthesia, Fleeing each instance of feeling And terror; all the tremors That tell me I am still alive. Continued to stare at the lights Long after the voice And the laughter inside had gone. I always struggled to leave the party. Heard waves in the traffic. It drowns out the domestic violence that I have been hearing. A world so large, so expansive, It can never truly sleep. Every broken heart, Every war-torn land, Every promotion, Every one-night stand. I wonder what would happen If we all stood still. If we all took one moment To observe the motion That unfolds beneath Our static windowsill. If we all took one moment To recover our loss. The wars that we won, The feelings, forgot. The hell we retain; Our paradise, lost. Ash Catcher I just came up on my 2 yrs of sobriety from alcohol, and I know I should like a broken record but I firmly believe that You don't just abstain from alcohol you abstain from the people that encourage you to use it as a crutch. And boy have I lost alot of friends over the fact I refuse to use alcohol as a crutch and an escape from my problems and the world's. Fuck your safety bubble and crutches there is nothing more empowering then being stone cold sober and seeing people still stuck in these cycles of abusing substances. Dont get me wrong I like to escape now and again too. But I am not gonna down a six pack, I am going to take a walk or a hike instead. Abstaining from alcohol was one of the best choices I have ever made. I've finally came to the conclusion I tolerated way too much of peoples disrespect in the past, made excuses for their poor behaviors, and continued to put others above myself. I would never do that again. My sobriety has shown me that while I am a constant factor in my life, it was others habits that I adopted as my own that were hindering me from achieving everything I wanted to. Reality is what you make it so why alter it with alcohol there are literally 1000000 other better things to do with your time. I no longer entertain low vibrational people who refuse to change and address their issues. Its freed up alot of time for me to pursue my art, new passions, and travel. I am most likely never going to touch another alcoholic beverage ever again.
I'll see you next Wednesday! |
August 2023