A bridge, the gap. Give me the gist. What the actual fuckity fuck is going on?
P ace, of a god damn snail. It's lonely at the top, but the vibe is higher. Join me someday? O bsolete that is how you always made me feel. I was never your priority. L ackadaisical, I am so sick of that part of your personality, or is there someone else home, inside your brain house. Who has the keys? Who runs the shows? O mnipresent, this maybe extraterrestrial of me but did you feel that? Just now? G naw, some days are better than others, I don’t think about you as much- other times it's unbearable. Those are blanket days. I diosyncrasy what do you have like 134723958346-093560 billion of these, and did not tell me. Z ero in on the better times. I know there were more good times than bad. I try. E eavesdropping are you? I can hear you. You are not as slick as you think, fish. A bysmal, describes our conversational skills. We are killing it at silence treatments. N epotism, fuck your fake ass friends. D isingenuous, I am beginning to doubt everything you said. M ayhem, in your head again, up again at 2am. I feel you not sleeping. E lude my gaze, why can't you look me in the eyes? What did I do to you? What did you do to me? A bandon, when I needed you, you would always cut, and run. N ettles. Do you listen to the Arctic Monkeys? I can't stand them but they pop on my Spotify. I mpasse, we seem to be at a stalemate. I am still not going to be your “friend”. Fuck that. T haw out, come engage in convos again.The air is too dry, and still between you and I. O mnipresent, I am everywhere. K lepto, why did you just feel like you could take everything from me, who the flying fuck do you think you are? A nd I think I have said all I can. Y ou need to move your ass.
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August 2023