The “Window” RANT Written By: Ash Catcher What is everyone's hurry to run off and get married, pop out some kids, and buy property in the suburbs. Did I miss something? Did I miss this “window” in my 20’s where I needed to rush back to the very place I was trying to escape? This past decade of my life was nothing close to a fucking cluster fuck, I tried making a turn around when I turned 27 and chose to singlehandedly focus on self growth, my personal wealth, an naturally financial investmentments. I have a huge collection of artwork, my own and others that I can't even begin to price point. I am not bragging, I just have other priorities, and thought about what is the harm in collecting something with enormous potential for financial gain. I hate to admit that but that is all my Father right there. I would rather be surrounded with equity than shacking up and popping out 2.5 kids. I got a cat now I am good in the spawn department, Banner is the spitting image of me. I both love him, and hate him for it. He is needy, and meows a lot, andI couldn’t give two fucks about what happened the other week. Plus I wake up every morning at 1am and again at 4:30am… how is that like not having a baby?
So my goals may be a little skewed, maybe I am too far up my own ass on this but hey someone has to be there right. What is wrong with prioritizing yourself? To me personally it is all about self preservation I see next to little wrong with this. But please for the love of god why are people my age getting married. What a stupid thing to do, I went to at least 10 weddings in the past 2- 3 years, guess what I am also attending their respective divorce parties or second weddings as well. Sure some couples can make it work but it requires an ungodly amount of patience, and prioritizing someone else over yourself. I am not there nor will I ever be. I think people my age, let alone my generation, can seriously commit to someone else other than themselves. . I look out for myself. I am always there for me, because I know at the end of the day nobody else matters. Again call it what you want. It is self preservation, and I will not share my hard work with anyone else. No-one benefits from me anymore. I think it's beautiful when two people can truly work together and prioritize not just one another, but themselves as a whole. There is no I in TEAM, but there is AT ME, don’t come at me because I refuse to be put into a box, or a preconceived notion embedded in society to only benefit mostly men. What do I get out of all this???!!! How can someone possibly work 40+ hours, weekly average? I am pushing close to 55- 60 hrs and maintaining a household- it doesn’t seem possible, these milestone moments seem next to impossible sometimes, and require way too much money that I could ever justify spending. Why am I always tired, haha. and is there a door that has some sort of insite going to present itself my way to. change my mind? -Ash
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August 2023