Nicky Blue is a fantasy and dark comedy fiction writer and former translator on the planet KELT 2Ab in the Andromeda Galaxy. Oh, and he was in an alternative rock band too. If you're looking for a book that's naturally hilarious, charming, and full of the unexpected--Nicky Blue's your guy! Mega thanks to Nicky for interviewing with us!
According to Goodreads, Hot Love Inferno, the sequel to Escape From Samsara, is expected to be released November 24. How have things been going? BUSY! As I took on nanowrimo too! So apart from organising all the promotion, review team, formatting, cover design I’m also trying to get my latest novel finished. Has publishing affected your writing process? Self-publishing is a lot of work and I think it can affect your writing process. A lot of indie authors spend at least 50% of their time marketing. For me the trick is to write when I am fresh.By the end of the day when I am dribbling I then try to get more followers on social media. Do you let humor emerge in your writing or do you build up to the punch? Any advice to authors wanting to write on the funny side? Whatever works! A key thing I have learnt is that humor should come because of the characters and settings you have designed rather than shoe horning in a gag. That really stands out. Also, don’t be afraid to get it wrong. If you write something that no one likes. Fine, try something else. NEVER GIVE UP. Is there anything you wish more readers (or writers) knew about dark comedy? Dystopian fiction? Dark comedy has made come back in recent years. I wonder if it’s connected to the political climate we find ourselves in. It’s my sense that dark comedy is a deeper anxiety release than mainstream comedy. I was a social worker for 15 years, I think that is why I’m attracted to it. What led you to the novella format for your books? A novella is a great format to float an idea. If the first book is popular, you can then expand on and develop its themes. Do you hide any Easter eggs in your books that only a few can find? I’m currently working on a novel about middle aged goths full of cryptic messages and references. I will test people. With titles like “Hot Love Inferno,” “Wife Who Glued Herself to the Ceiling,” “The Apocalypse is Coming” I’m immediately thinking hell yes I want to read this. What helps you come up with a title? Do you typically have one in mind or does it come together as you go? I pluck them out the air that way. It helps to have a twisted perspective on life I think. Again being a social worker for so long helped with that. What else would you like readers to know? If they would to read chapter one of Hot Love Inferno for free, they can do so here: Follow Nicky Blue on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, and Instagram! Find his blog here. Find and read every book of his here.