Pathetic Pathogens; Trying To Take Up Real Estate, In This Economy? Written by Ash Wednesday I struggle with our dynamic Who am I to you Who are you to me Who were we to one another In that moment In that breathy sentence Is it aligned and balanced Absolutely not Are we still going at one another Oh absolutely just subtly I know deep down it's not I know you do this with other But it's comfortable to live in delicious delusion Missing you is not okay it's underwhelming unfair and one sided and it's pathetic you make me feel worthless and pathetic. Nothing will and would change
It would all be the same Except for a little bit more lying Crafted and directed my way Finally free and then you come crawling back I hope you found what you needed It only took half a decade for you to see that And I got a good laugh for about a week But waffles this is something you're not Going to be interested in me The situation is more sticky than that Than could ever be. You're welcome to try like the other But I don't think you'll stick I found a healthier substitute The kind that would make you quit And quiet and go into yourself A good look in the mirror And a ton of therapy and self help And I wouldn't even entertain Some of you fucking degenerates again An eye for an eye I am passed that petty shit Please both of you get your mind right instead. A.W.
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August 2023